

In order to organize and classify all the recorded and annotated material, it is essential to use a database. The database allows to search for different concepts in a quick and easy way. During 2016 we designed this database, which we hope to be able to program and make available to users online very soon.

According to our design, the database will permit two types of search: one open to the general public and another one aimed at researchers or professionals.

The open search for the general public may provide results according to the following filters:

– Recording location

– Activity: among those scheduled

– Type of speech: monologue or dialogue

– Discourse genre: descriptive, argumentative or narrative

– Recording date

– Age group: 18 to 30; 31 to 50 and over 51

On the other hand, searches by researchers or professionals, who can prove their status as such, will be allowed to make more specific filters, related to aspects of the signers and their linguistic, social and educational environment. To carry out this second type of search, it will be necessary to register in order to obtain access codes.